Lamb Eating The Leaven Passover 2017
Buying of The Passover Lamb 2017
Passover is the set apart and joyous festival that commemorates Israel’s deliverance from bondage in Egypt. The Israelites cried out to HWHY in their oppression, and HWHY sent Moshe to deliver them. But Pharaoh refused to let our forefathers go, so HWHY told Moshe He would strike every Egyptian home with the death of the firstborn. The Israelites captives were also told to eat the sacrificial lamb in haste as they prepared to leave Egypt in the first Exodus As our forefathers we will keep the feast as commanded and the ordinances. Many people teach that this feast is done away, that we should not keep torah by returning to Zion or this feast can be kept outside the land. You can never find one of the 3 feast kept outside of Jerusalem. Now that Jerusalem has been discovered we are ordered by the Mashyach and HWHY to return to Torah and repent of our wicked ways and that the Torah as the Mashyach is never done away. Mathew 5:17-21. We are in mourning so were asking our people to wear black as the customs of the Hebrews when they were mourning.
Passover 2017
Meeting The House Of David At Zion

Immersion of an 82 year old Elder at The River Jordan

Arrival of The Passover Lamb with Press and reporters

The Slaughter of the Passover Lamb

Skinning and Roasting of the Passover Lamb

Passover Gallery 2016